Thursday, September 5, 2019

Study showing that being a stay at home mom is equivalent to 2.5 jobs

So I was curious as Nicky was sleeping the other day, I was requiring if being a stay at home mom is known as an occupation, so I decided too look it up. The research stated that it is not known as an occupation(I don't know why) but according to Big being a stay at home mom is equivalent to 2.5 jobs! I believe it, unlike most outside jobs where a person can get a lunch break & get to go home at the end of the day, stay at home moms days never ends. There are days where we don't get a chance to take showers/baths, sleep, eat or even all three! Just like a statement I saw on Facebook & shared on my profile not that long ago, the statement said us stay at home moms are not lazy, we have cooking, cleaning, laundry to keep up with & if we have pets we have to take care of them as well & just when we think we have time too sit & breathe for a little bit, our babies start to cry again because they need us, their mommies, which that's our job. Now I know what your saying well what about those who work & have children? I'm not saying its not hard for them, I'm sure it's 10X times harder because not only do they have to work but then afterwards they go home & have too make sure your children are fed, bathed & wat not, actually I know it's hard. I had a job where I worked 10 to 12 hour shifts on the weekends than my day still didnt stop after I got off because I still had to stay up & take care of my daughter all night as my husband went to his job at night for 12 to 16 hours & back than our daughter was only 3 month old so she still woke up a lot through out the night; so I went too work with an average of maybe 1 to 2 consecutive hours of sleep a night! So I commend those who are working moms, especially those moms who have young baby's like I do. However with working mom's if they work outside the home, they get too take break from home life just for a little while, us stay at home moms do not most of the time, not unless they can get a sitter or their husbands take over so you can have a you day, which is rare. However some working moms have too worry about getting a sitter & possibly paying for them or paying for daycare, as for most of us stay at home moms do not have to worry about paying for daycare. So all in all it doesn't matter if your working mom or staying at home mom, you work really hard either way because your day never stops but I have too admit it's a very rewarding & exhilarating job & that is being a mom.

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