Friday, May 15, 2020

Going through the Covid-19

Hey yall so you read the tittle, we are going through the Covid-19 in our family right now, my husband got diagnosed with it just yesterday and now I am terrified, not just for him but for our daughter as well. I want too let everyone know, we clean & disinfect our place everyday but since my husband is an essential worker & could of got it from anywhere or anyone at his work, he caught it now. So now its up too me too take care of everything including our daughter and its been kind of hard, but gotta keep going. I've been keeping our daughter in her room with the door shut with a baby monitor and an air purifier on at all times while going in there with a mask & gloves on after i wash & disinfect my hands each time i have to take care of her, its like shes a newborn again. But I am doing whatever it takes for her not too catch this. I even been having too give her her asthma tratments 4 to 5 times a day now, could never be too careful... but now she has gotten exposed, I am keeping an extra eye out for any symptoms start too pop up as well. Luckily shes been good so far. Well i'll keep everyone updated as things happen. Love yall
Day :

(My own domain in the dining room until i disinfect everything in the bedroom)

Sunday, April 26, 2020

What we have been up too lately

Sorry its been so long since i posted a lot has happened lately, ok so first off let me start by saying that Nicky has started walking! On Christmas Eve of 2019 was actually when she took her very 1st steps as we were celebrating at my father in law's place! We were beyond proud! We even got it on video & everything! That was the best christmas present anyone could ever ask for. Than on janurary 20th of this year she turned 1 years old & her birthday Party was Sesame Street. It was a small get together with only about 8 people showing up 3 family members & 5 family friends whom my husband works with but it was wonderful and we wouldnt have it any other way. Besides at that time we were just living in a 1 bed 1 bathroom apt anyways so theres only so much people we were able to fit inside our place. Than in March we moved into a bigger apartment in the same complex, a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apt. So now Nickys got her own room now and shes loving it! She can watch her show anytime she wants she can play with her toys and its basically her own lil domain & yes its Sesame Street themed from her crib sheets too the wall decorations. My husband & i are also enjoying our own room as well but if i told you that it hasnt been hard not sharing a room with our daughter that would be a lie. Although we do have a baby monitor hooked up in her room i still wake up a lot to go check up on her but i know one day I will get used too her sleeping in her own room. Shes still on her schedule, although it has changed a little now since she learned too walk but not much. Well anyways until next time yall. I hope everyone is staying safe, staying home & staying positive, we'll get through this together.