Monday, January 5, 2015

So proud of myself

Right now I can't sleep cuz I can't stop thinking about going back to college in just 6 days. Time sure can not come any faster. I keep thinking about how just in 3 semesters, a year from this may I am going to be a college graduate for the second time! And I have been through a lot to get to where I'm at today I just can't stop crying about it in happiness. First let me tell u that I never thought I would even get this far. Now I made honors all the way thro school but when it came to taking finals & that stupid TAKS test I kept freezing. It took me 5 times just to pass the math and science ones. I remember I even had to sacrifice being in choir for a whole year and sacrifice a whole summer just so I can go to summer school to get tutoring so that way I can pass & graduate with my class. Then one day (I remember it like it was yesterday) getting a yellow slip to the counceling office to get told that I passed & I will graduate with my class! I started balling. Then the next day I saw myself on the deans list to graduate & move on to college. Too bad we didn't have iPhones back then & FB was just for college students cuz I would of totally took a pic of my name on that list! My first college experience was of course at Brookhaven, part of the Dallas County Community College District & I kind of liked it. I didn't like how I got the 7:30amers but I loved how my classes was only until noon then I was done for the day. As I advanced in classes however the classes did get harder for me. I ruled in my English, writing, & geography classes but as soon as I started to advance in math, I had to start going to tutoring once again early in the morning & until late at night, so u can say I didn't really have a life cuz my life revolved around my studies & graduating with my associates, which I eventually did. It took me a while but I will never forget that day I went to an advisor for the following semester & they were looking at my classes, grades, GPA, & my progress really closely until they made  huh sound, so I looked at them like what, something wrong? Then the question Have you ever thought about applying for graduation??? I was in shock, I couldn't believe it. Here I am sitting there saying to myself wow I'm actually going to graduate college. Granted I would just be graduating with an Associates in General Arts but knowing that I did this by working hard, studying, & working full time I was so proud of myself I started crying as I was filling out an application for graduation for the following spring semester. I haven't even applied for an university at that time yet cuz I thought I wasn't even close to graduating so I had to go to Collin county for a while until one day I was listening to music going through my email & I got an acceptance letter from the first university I applied to, which is of course Sam Houston State University. Now I only have 3 semesters left until I graduate from there. I'm so excited cuz my life is going to change & be way different as soon as I cross that stage again. I see myself being a well known Disc Jockey like Kid Kraddik & Casey Casem full time & an executive producer for some famous show. I can see myself in my own big 2 story (maybe bigger) house with a my Kia & BMW out in the 2 car garage possibly living in the L.A. Or Stamford Connecticut area or both. I also see myself owning a house here in the DFW area one day as well. I see myself VERY successful & independent (like how I am now) I admit sometimes I get discouraged & on sometimes I just feel like giving up but then just I start to look back & say to myself no I can get through this, I believe I can get thro this & I will get thro this. I've worked to hard to give up now. All this hard work will pay off cuz "One day [I] will be standing in the hall of fame & the world will know [my] name."